What In The World Is Manuka Honey And What Makes It So Special?

To tell you the truth, it can get a little confusing shopping for Manuka honey. Between MGOs, UMFs, K-factors, NPAs, and number ratings that might read 15+ on one jar and 550 on another, it can be difficult to tell precisely what you’re getting in your honey. If you don’t know what to look for, you could end up with a jar of “antimicrobial honey” that you’d be better off spreading over some toast.


The most widely accepted standard is UMF. It stands for Unique Manuka Factor, and honestly, it is what one should look for when shopping for medicinal-grade Manuka honey. Other Manuka honey distributors may use their own in-house ratings, such as MGOs and K-factors, and while related, these are not quite the same.

The Manuka honey we use in HoneyCure is certified and verified by the UMFHA (Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association). This association is responsible for issuing the UMF seal that you see on any genuine Manuka honey. The UMF rating represents the levels of Methylglyoxal (MGO, the main antimicrobial component), in addition to nectar from Leptospermum Scoparium (manuka plant) and DHA (creates more MGO). All these components quantify the non-peroxide activity (NPA) present. You see, most varieties of honey work with peroxide activity, so a strong NPA is unique to Manuka honey and makes it special.


UMF rating range starts at “5+” and goes up to about “25+”. Here is an essential piece of information about which Manuka honey to buy: if you are looking to get Manuka honey for eating purposes, look for anything that is below UMF 10+. Anything above, including UMF 10+, is considered medical-grade and can fight off or inhibit bacterial and fungal infections in skin conditions.

For HoneyCure, we make sure to only use UMF-certified honey with a UMF rating of 15+ or higher. Not only that, but the Manuka honey we use is also FDA certified for import to the US from a specific source in New Zealand! With both the UMF and the FDA certifications, we can trust that the honey we use will have the unique antimicrobial qualities we need to create an effective wound care product.

MGO is the next most recognized rating used when grading Manuka honey. The number in the rating is a very accurate measure of Methylglyoxal present in that specific batch of honey. A higher amount of methylglyoxal is generally going to be indicative of the NPA that makes Manuka honey so desirable.

With all this in mind, there are calculators on the internet that can make it a little easier to compare labels when buying Manuka honey. We use UMF 15+ graded Manuka honey, the equivalent to about a minimum of 514 MGOs. So, keep an eye out for the right labels, and you can be confident that you’re getting that Manuka Magic!