Meet The Co-Founders, Pt. 2: Ramy Habib


As a passionate engineer, Ramy Habib is devoted to promoting natural and effective veterinary care products. When Ramy was a Master’s student at Wayne State University (WSU) in Detroit, he and his co-founder, Sean Carroll, came up with the idea that would one day become HoneyCure. Ramy’s experiences in both natural healthcare and medical devices are essential in the creation of this product.

When Ramy was a teenager, he immigrated from Egypt to attend school at WSU. He initially intended to become a doctor but found a passion for engineering. In the beginning, he faced some challenges like when two years of credits from Egypt were not eligible for transfer. This was only a minor setback and in 2014 he graduated with a Bachelor’s in Biomedical Physics, and two years later with a Master’s of Science in Biomedical Engineering.

It was in his Master’s program when Ramy met Sean during a biomedical engineering internship at Beaumont. Together, they took a clinical immersion class through WSU in the Detroit Medical Center (DMC) which gave them direct experience with medical devices in clinical environments. Seeing the trauma that people experienced while working within the DMC burn unit inspired Ramy and Sean to design a better care treatment. Ramy brought the knowledge of using honey for medicinal care as Egypt has been using honey as a way to help treat burns and wounds for thousands of years. From this, they made honey more effective for medicinal use with Sean’s knowledge of chemical engineering. Together, their knowledge created a wound care product that evolved into HoneyCure. 

HoneyCure and EnBiologics have been in business for more than five years, but it has not been easy. Early on, Ramy and Sean struggled with having no jobs or resources outside of the entrepreneurial community. With the help of their first advisor, Francis Glorie, Ramy and Sean started their business and made many connections within the community. They had to deal with growing pains, such as outgrowing their output capacities and small office space. With their second advisor, Jeff Ponders II, the business accelerated and grew in the untapped market space. 


Ramy works full-time at EnBiologics and is hands-on with helping formulate, manufacture, and package products for HoneyCure as well as other businesses. Being a successful small business owner, Ramy has a passion for helping other companies grow. Not only does he keep EnBiologics running, but he also coached investment competitions for small business companies such as Detroit Demo Day. For these events, Ramy helped contestants prepare pitch decks and business plans to present as well as share his own experiences and tips to help other emerging companies. Ramy’s personal entrepreneurial achievements include being nominated and awarded on Crain’s Detroit Business 20 in their Twenties list in 2020. 

He also loves to travel, especially to Egypt to visit his mother, family, and friends. You can also find him playing euchre or working on cars.