How to Remove HoneyCure

We often get asked, “What is the best way to remove HoneyCure from my pet’s wound?” Since we use UMF 15+ Manuka honey for its healing properties, the ointment is sticky to the touch. Many pet owners want to make sure that they can remove the ointment without causing harm to their pet. No worries, it can easily come off without damaging your pet’s skin or pulling hair! 

Our guide follows standard procedures in veterinary care. These are guidelines for wound care provided by veterinary professionals. If your pet has any severe wounds, please call and take your pet to the veterinarian immediately.

Removing HoneyCure

HoneyCure is sticky, even when it dries out. Pulling or scratching to remove HoneyCure can cause damage to the wound because it can damage the healing skin and remove the surrounding fur. Instead, we suggest rinsing the ointment spot with warm water or saline wash to remove the HoneyCure. This will cause the ointment to soften up and easily wash away. 

HoneyCure will simply run off with the warm water! So, do not use any rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide unless told by your veterinarian. You can gently use your hands to help remove it, but it is not necessary.

Reapplying HoneyCure

If the wound is not completely healed once you rinse off HoneyCure, we encourage you to reapply HoneyCure and redress the wound. 

You only need to use enough to cover the wound and surrounding area. Using more will not hurt the wound, but may add more stickiness when changing the dressing. After you redress the wound, you are done! We highly recommend covering the wound with a bandage. Once it dries, HoneyCure does not transfer easily. Your pet can run around and the ointment will stay intact! 

You should see improvement within three days. For wounds that do not reduce in size or heal within 5-7 days, please consult your veterinarian. Learn more about how to correctly use HoneyCure by clicking the link below!

If you still have any questions on how to apply or remove HoneyCure, we are more than happy to help! You can email us at and we will get right back to you.