HoneyCure - Natural Wound Care for Horses, Cats, and Dogs | EnBiologics

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A Review of 2022

It’s hard to believe that 2022 is already over! We are so thankful for all of the support you have given us this past year. As we take a look at all we have accomplished in 2022, it makes us that much more excited for what is to come in 2023! 

In the past year, HoneyCure distribution continued to expand across the United States and Canada, and made its way into a new country, the United Kingdom! We are excited to bring HoneyCure to new markets and help more animals across the globe! If you haven’t checked lately, look at our ‘Store Locator’ page and find HoneyCure near you! 

Pet owners have given us great feedback and stories about how HoneyCure helped their pets! We love hearing these success stories and are glad to have helped their pets on their healing journey. If you have a HoneyCure success story you want to share, please email us at info@gethoneycure.com!

We have also been creating more The Buzz blog content for you to read. Whether it's animal facts, veterinary wound care, or all things HoneyCure, we discuss it all! Want to stay up to date? Subscribe to the HoneyCure newsletter to receive emails about The Buzz posts, HoneyCure sales, and more! 

In 2023, we want to continue to bring HoneyCure into even more stores around the world! We also want to talk with more of our customers about how the product has helped their pets, and ways we can improve. So, now that most trade shows are back in person, we are attending a few in and out of the United States such a Global Pet Expo and SuperZoo. This way we get to meet some of our customers, and their pets! 

2022 was our biggest year of stability and growth. Thank you for coming along on this ride with us, we can’t wait to see what is in store for 2023!

Thanks a bunch,
Ramy and Sean 
Co-Founders of HoneyCure